Spot On offers the following accounting services to our clients:
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Spot On provides both on-site and/or off-site book keeping services to our clients supporting them to manage their day to day accounting operations.
Mortgage Accounts
For those who want to buy home and going to submit mortgage application, they may be required to submit the certificate of income to the lender. Spot On offers the certification of income to the mortgage applicants.
Annual Accounts
For our clients, we prepare annual accounts based on applicable accounting standards:
International Accounting Standards (IAS),
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
UK & US Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP).
It gives an opportunity for us to view and analyse the financial performance of the business and advise accordingly.
Payroll may either simple or complex but one thing is for sure, it is urgent!
Spot On has a dedicated payroll team geared up to provide efficient payroll services suitable to your needs. We can take you of the pressure of calculating PAYE, overtime pay, holiday pay, sick pay, maternity pay and all the other variables that arise. Also, we provide PAYE training to your staff if you like to keep payroll in-house and offer a helpline for payroll related difficulties.
Spot On offers the following payroll services:​
PAYE Registration & Deregistration
Payroll Processing and submission to HMRC
Payroll reporting
Registration/Deregistration of Payroll schemes (CIS, TRONC etc)
Pensions registration & administration
Payroll Enquiry Insurance
Auto-Enrolment Reporting
One-Off Payroll Exercises
Employment Law Insurance
Employment and Health & Safety Consultancy & Insurance

The responsibilities of a trustees are ever increasing. Whether you, as a trustee, are managing a Family Trust or a Charitable Trust, Spot On offers an efficient and effective ways to manage the complexities of trust accounting.
Spot On helps trusts, foundations and charities manage themselves more effectively through improved financial and accounting information. We provide bookkeeping, management accounts and annual accounts for trust, charities and foundations.

Payroll may either simple or complex but one thing is for sure, it is urgent!
Spot On offers efficient payroll services suitable to your needs. We can take you of the pressure of calculating PAYE, overtime pay, holiday pay, sick pay, maternity pay and all the other variables that arise. Also, we provide PAYE training to your staff if you like to keep payroll in-house and offer a helpline for payroll related difficulties. We offer the following payroll services:​
PAYE registration & deregistration
Payroll processing, submission and reporting
Registration/deregistration of payroll schemes (CIS, TRONC etc)
Pensions registration & administration
Payroll Enquiry Insurance
Auto-Enrolment Reporting
One-Off Payroll Exercises
Employment and Health & Safety Consultancy & Insurance

Run your business from anywhere in the world with your gadgets! Use our recommended cloud-based financial accounting software to send invoices, create expense claims, create purchase orders, reconciling banks, view reports and connect to third-party applications for key activities such as inventory and invoicing.
We will create your very own user account whereby you can access, update and view your financial information. You will have unique login details ensuring confidentiality of your information.

Spot On provides both on-site and/or off-site book keeping services to our clients supporting them to manage their day to day accounting operations.

Spot On provides periodical (monthly, quarterly and half yearly) management accounts to clients enabling them to evaluate the period to period financial performance of the business.

For our clients, we prepare annual accounts based on applicable accounting standards giving us an opportunity to analyse the financial performance and position of the client and advise accordingly:
International Accounting Standards (IAS),
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
UK & US Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (GAAP).

For those who want to buy home and going to submit mortgage application, they may be required to submit the certificate of income to the lender. Spot On offers the certification of income to the mortgage applicants.

Spot On offers tax services to both individuals and businesses including sole traders, partnerships and companies. We provide support and guidance to our individual and business clients on all tax areas such as income tax, capital gain tax, inheritance tax etc and help them in efficiently fulfilling their tax-related responsibilities. We offers services on the following tax domains:
Income Tax
We provide annual tax planning services to our clients making sure that maximum advantage of all relevant tax planning opportunities has been availed. We aim to place our client to the best possible tax position and to do this, we use a holistic approach to our client structure, objectives, operations and needs.
Tax Inquiry Assurance
You, as a business or individual, can be randomly selected for an enquiry by HMRC. However, you can protect yourself or business against unexpected professional cost. Spot On offers an insurance to protect you from the taxman, in the situations of personal or business tax inquiry and HMRC disputes (VAT, PAYE/NIC, CIS, IR35, Sec 660 and others)
Tax Returns
On your behalf, we prepare and submit the following returns to the relevant authorities:
Self Assessment Tax Returns
Corporation Tax Returns
Partnership Tax Returns
Self Employed Tax Returns
Subcontractor Returns
Capital Gain Tax
Capital gain tax is complicated due to availability of several reliefs and exemptions. It is important to avail all relevant exemptions and relief in order to reduce the potential tax liability. Spot On offers expert view on the key aspects of capital gain tax i.e. land and property, investments & shares and trust and estate gains.
VAT rules are constantly changing and it is important for the business to take expert advice. Spot On offers VAT services including registration/de-registration, planning, returns, refunds and VAT enquiries.
Inheritance Tax
Inheritance tax is payable on your estate (the property, money and possessions) in the event of your death. The basic exemption is £325,000. The beneficiaries will pay inheritance tax at 40% on the value of your estate above £325,000. We advise our clients on inhertiance planning and help them to utilise all available allowances and reliefs.

Outsourcing is beneficial to the business and allows you to outsource those areas of business which can be managed and operated externally. Outsourcing provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to fully concentrate on running the core business activities and achieve its strategic objectives.
Outsourcing is also a cost-effective arrangement. Instead of hiring a permanent member of staff to perform admin and technical activities e.g. VAT, payroll, it is worthwhile to outsource the function at a cost lower than the average salary of the staff.
Spot On offers the following outsourcing services and provides continuous technical support from the subject matter experts.
Cashflow and Profit Forecasts
Management Accounts
VAT Returns
Submission of returns (Tax & Corporate)
Online Accounting
Booking Keeping
Management accounts (half yearly but if VAT then half yearly)
Annual Accounts
Cash Flow and Profit forecast
Payroll (RTI) and related HR services
VAT Returns
Companies House submissions
Corporation tax